Thursday 18 July 2013

Data Structure Algorithms using C Book

Data Structure Algorithms using C Book
Data Structure and Algorithm can be better understood by our general life examples. This book relates Data Structure with our life. In a step by step, easy to follow manner, concepts are built using simple language. Examples chosen, have easily understood logic. This book is aimed at students who already have knowledge of ‘C’ and have been developing simple ‘C’ programs. 
1. Introduction to Data Structure
2. Arrays
3. Recursion
4. Linked List
5. Stacks and Queues
6. Tree
7. Graphs
8. Searching and Sorting

Authors: Hariom Pancholi, Radhe Shyam Singhal, Vineet Khanna, Suresh Fatehpuria, Sandeep Tulli.

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